Toyin John is a happily married mother of three. She brings a lot of spirit-filled energy, authenticity, passion and relatability on stage. She is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, as a result of the transformation that has taken place in her own life.
By God’s grace, she founded Giant Within Ministries, an international Christian ministry that is dedicated to preaching Christ and transforming lives. She does this in churches, Christian-based events and conferences. She also holds training workshops for churches, to equip the Saints to have a stronger walk with God, do the work of ministry with purpose, and serve effectively in their local churches.
She heads the PUSH Prayer Movement, a prayer ministry she started in January 2011 by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, along with some believers. It is dedicated to awakening believers to take their place in God in the place of prayer, enlarge their capacity and fulfill their God-given purpose. Currently reaching more than ten countries, different bands of prayer warriors, dial into telephone conference calls in their regions every weekend to intercede, and see God’s will prevail in nations, situations and the lives of people.
Toyin holds POWER UP! events in various cities across America and internationally. At these events, the purpose is to awaken the attendees to discover, activate and walk in the God-given power of the Holy Spirit within them. This, she believes, enables them to fulfill the God-ordained purpose for their lives. People walk away from these events truly powered up to the next level of their destiny in God.
She is a certified Speaker, Coach and Trainer with The John Maxwell Team. She has coached and mentored countless number of people, and continues to do so using Biblical principles as the foundation, and where applicable, the John Maxwell leadership materials she is certified to teach.
Toyin has published two books and two prayer journals: A Christian inspirational and empowerment book; “THE PLACE OF POWER IN YOU, which gives the readers practical applicable tools to be all they were meant to be. Her second book, PRAYER SIMPLIFIED! delves into the why, the what, the how, and the when of prayer. Her prayer journals allow the user to write prayer points and record testimonies. One of the journals has Scriptures and words of encouragement in it. All her publications are available on Amazon.
Toyin is immensely blessed by her wonderful husband, Dr. Emmanuel John, who supports and releases her to be all that God has called her to be. They have been married since 2001, and they have three lovely children; Tami, Toni and Damilola. They are both kingdom-minded people serving in God’s vineyard. Toyin attributes her success to God’s grace and faith in an unfailing God.